Bars and Restaurants
The Bar and Restaurant industry is a frequency game. The more often you get customers into your bar or restaurant, the better off you are. Up until recently, the challenge was finding a vehicle to communicate to existing and potential customers that didn't break the bank, and was cost effective enough to have continuous dialog and engagement. Social media, email marketing and mobile apps should all be used together to communicate directly to YOUR clients. EnFlyer's digital marketing platform is the most cost-effective and easiest way to make that happen. Using EnFlyer for your Bar and Restaurant marketing WILL increase return visits. Communicating to your existing customer base is important, and digital marketing blows print and direct mail response rates away!
Social media, email marketing and mobile apps should all be used together to communicate directly to YOUR clients. EnFlyer's digital marketing platform is the most cost-effective and easiest way to make that happen. Using EnFlyer for your Bar and Restaurant marketing WILL increase return visits. Communicating to your existing customer base is important, and digital marketing blows print and direct mail response rates away!
- Engage your bar and restaurant customers quickly and efficiently, informing them instantly of upcoming specials, coupons, events and new products.
- Highlight menu items, announce community involvement, share tips from your top chef, drink recipes, answer questions and send holiday greetings, all with a few keystrokes.
- Wish your customers a happy birthday or anniversary using our automatic or scheduled campaign feature to bring them in to your restaurant to celebrate their occasion.
- and more...
EnFlyer is a great way for bars and restaurants to stay in touch with customers and keep their revenue flowing by generating repeat business and building brand loyalty.